Early in this process, I made a notebook to keep track of everything in one place. The only adoption information that is not kept there is our final home study and anything we held on to for our dossier that is certified (marriage license, birth certificates). We keep these things locked up and put away for safe keeping.
I took a regular 1-1/2" (maybe 2") notebook, printed a few things from the internet regarding the country we are adopting from, and inserted them into the side, front, and back of the notebook. The front of the notebook actually has a paper with Hungary's information on it from our placement agency. Since I do not have permission to use their photos/information, I substituted the map photo (below, right) to give you an idea what could go on your notebook. The back photo is the Hungarian calendar year and includes the names and dates of this years holiday celebrations in Hungary.
The inside of our adoption notebook has tabs for each part of the adoption that we have either already completed or are in the middle of going through now. I will add more tabs as we progress or need another place for specific information. I thought I had it set up in alphabetical order until I began taking photos of it. Ha ha! It is not alphabetized, but that is a good idea too. :)
Each section has a tab |
The first tab has information for CAS, our home-study agency. It includes their fee sheet, contact information with name, address, email address, etc. and any other papers they game us.
The second tab is our dossier information. This included the list of things I needed to gather for our dossier and this is where I put each piece of information or form as I collected it. When we got ready to send our dossier to Lifeline, everything I needed was in one place, and I gathered it all up and put it in the envelope to mail.
The third tab is for Lifeline, our placement agency. This is the same as the CAS tab, except is has all fees and information we have been given for Lifeline. Since our dossier went to Lifeline, it could have been included with Lifeline's information, but it was just easier for me to make a separate tab for that.
The fourth tab is exactly what it sounds like. In it I keep any information I need regarding past or current fundraisers for this adoption. One of our fundraisers was written up in a local paper, so I have a copy of the newspaper in a sheet protector in that tab.
2013 and 2014 have different page protectors |
The fifth tab is used to collect receipts for adoption related expenses to be used for tax purposes after the adoption is completed. As seen below, one page protector is being used for 2013 receipts and a second one is set up for 2014. We hope to not have one for 2015. :D
The seventh (and last, so far) tab USCIS information we received in it. Our fingerprinting appointment notices are kept in there and anything else we may receive before the completed adoption will go there. We do not keep our official immigration approval here. It is kept with our original home study in a safer place than a notebook on a baking rack. :)
I hope this idea will help you keep track of everything. If you have another idea to add, please comment so that others can benefit from it too!