Yes! We have an unofficial match for a two year old little girl. :D The twist we did not anticipate...she is from Poland, not Hungary. We are very excited about this and look forward to traveling to Poland to make her a part of our family early next year. Here are the answers to some common questions we have heard. :)
Poland?! Why did you not get a referral from Hungary?
agency works in four different countries in Eastern Europe. We got a call from from them a little more than a week ago, September 26th, and with it came the question, "Would you consider switching to the Poland program? We have someone we would like you to consider for your family." My initial reaction was that people are going to think we. are. crazy. (We really are not. :D ), but that weekend we decided that this is the direction we should go, and on Monday (9/29), we started the ball rolling to bring her home. There was no pressure from our agency to switch, and had we desired to do so, we could have stayed in the Hungary program.
When will you travel?
Though we are not changing agencies, we are changing to a different program within our agency. This means paperwork updates to reflect Poland (instead of Hungary) in our home study and immigration paperwork. Then our dossier will be sent to Poland for translation, and we will get an official referral. One more round of paperwork needs to be sent in to U.S. immigration, and this one is child specific, meaning that we are getting permission to bring our daughter home. At this point, it will be up to the local judge in Poland to give us a court date, so it will be approximately four to five months before we can travel.
How can we pray?
1) You can pray for the preparation and transition time for our family and the daughter we have yet to meet. Though we are not new parents, we are new to parenting this child. Please pray for our other children who are excited about their new sister: pray that all four children will bond together quickly as a family. We hope to complete this part of the process soon, but it is the beginning, not the end of this journey.
2) Please pray for as little delay as possible with all the paperwork. We are working on getting all of our paperwork updated (The home-study and immigration approval has an expiration date. Even if we had stayed in the Hungary program, we would have to have these updates done early in the new year.) and would like to get it overseas as soon as possible.
Feel free to ask any questions that we have not answered, but please be aware that there is some information that, for privacy reasons, we will politely decline to answer.
Watching videos of their soon-to-be-sister for the first time! Do you think they are excited? |