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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It's Been A Looong Road

The road seemed really long today, the second day of the Walk Of Hope.  Setting out on already sore feet from yesterday's trek, Mark began walking again early this morning.  Today's scenery was monotonous, with little to break it up.  There were some houses, but it consisted mostly of trees, trees, trees, and you guessed it! More trees! The photo from today does have a few buildings in it, but there was just a lot of nothing to see, making it seem like he was making very slow progress.  A twisted knee, acquired this afternoon, is bringing the walk to an earlier halt than was planned, but Mark still walked for 8.5 hours today - quite a bit longer than the walking I did today!  Though a bit behind schedule to complete his goal, Mark is planning to rest his feet and give his knee a bit of time to recover in hopes that it will be well enough to allow him to finish his walk tomorrow.  Thanks for all the texts, Tweets, calls, and support today: he has not responded to many of them today but really appreciates everyone cheering him on.  Please keep them coming: tomorrow will be an even bigger challenge and encouragement will be needed and appreciated again.

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